Chat is built-in into Obyte wallet and allows to chat both with people and bots and instantly redirect the user to an action that requires the wallet functionality, such as sending a payment, sharing a private profile, signing a contract, etc.
In addition to the standard text messaging functionality, the chat supports:
These capabilities are most useful for chatbots, which are small apps programmed to give automated responses depending on user input.
For deveopers, chatbots offer a way to quickly create a simple app without large investment into UI. For end users, chatbots offer a way to quickly start using a new app without investing much time into learning a new user interface.
Chatbots can be added to the Bot Store which is also built-in in Obyte wallets and is similar to the App Store on iOS or Google Play on Android. The Bot Store enables easy discovery of apps by users and a channel of distribution for app developers.
Chat messages are end-to-end encrypted using user private keys, therefore, although the messages are relayed through a hub, the hub cannot see their cleartext content.
Developers, see the documentation about chatbots on our developer website.