Obyte for developers

Imagine a global, ownerless, shared database any app can freely read from

const objUnit = await storage.readUnit('Xrs9FcyJ6F/54BM2D4HCT1RQOoiXHCs/AlNRd/dNXoo=');
const data = objUnit.messages.find(m => m.app === 'data').payload;

and write to, for a fee equal to the size of data being written

let unit = await sendData({ payload: { event: "Let there be light!", year: 0 } });

Imagine a global, ownerless, shared payment medium that apps use to sell their APIs to each other

const objPaymentPackage = await payPerCallClient.createPaymentPackage(amount);
const body = JSON.stringify({
    param1: param1,
    param2: param2,
    paymentPackage: objPaymentPackage
const response = await fetch('https://domain.com/some/paid/service', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: body

and the currency is also global, ownerless.

Imagine ownerless, shared, unstoppable apps that send/receive payments and read/write data strictly according to code

    app: 'payment',
    payload: {
        asset: 'base',
        outputs: [
            {address: "{trigger.address}", amount: "{ var[$id || '_collateral'] }"}

This is the space Obyte developers work in. And there are lots of tools to navigate this space and lots of building blocks to build on it.

tools and libraries

Tools and libraries



See Obyte developer website for documentation about the core and headless wallet libraries. Other tools have their own documentation.


There are grants for open source contributions to Obyte ecosystem.