Bytes Distribution in Milan

Read more about Obyte

Obyte lead developer has chosen to distribute Bytes to let you know the potential of the platform. In Milan, we are doing the first worldwide beta test through physical stores that make distribution point, we think this new method amplifies and makes distribution more widespread.

How does it work? Just take your fiscal receipt from a shop "Lo Scontrino Vale" and go into a shop "Punto Distribuzione" to make the cashback request, you will immediately receive Bytes for free.


International Shop

International Shop 2

Studio Legale Jerkunica


Z-wave Elettrica

Decor & Edil



Frutteto F.lli Di Lecce

Osteria Il Trullo

Lo Scontrino Vale

124 stores participating in the initiative so far.

Punto Distribuzione

Osteria Il Trullo

Ca.Sa. Immobiliare


Lo Scontrino Vale

Punto Distribuzione Bytes

Punto Distribuzione Bytes + Qui La Spesa Vale

Bytes accepted here

Bytes Exchange Here


Unbounded scalability, fast confirmations, no miners, no blocks, low fees. It isn't a Bitcoin clone. Read more about Obyte